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Guideance for volunteers at the Museum Skibene på Holmen

Skibene på Holmen are Denmarks floating cold war museum. A museun full of experiences, our guest doesn't see anywhere else. The museum are managed by the fund Peder Skram. The fund owns the frigate Peder Skram, while the torpedo/missile boat Sehested and the submarine Sælen are owned by the Danish "Nationalmuseet". The fund and Nationalmuseet have a close work together which means that the fund runs all tree ships together and are responsible for the maintenance of the ships

The museum doesn't get economical public support and can only exist from the assistance from our committed volunteers.

What would you expect as a volunteer?

•  A meaningful job, based on good social relations with other volunteers.

•  Your efforts will be valued through your work and your added value to Skibene på Holmen.

•  You'll be a part of a community with more than a 100 volunteers.

•  With your work you'll have much influence of the further development for the museum.

•  As a volunteer you'll enjoy the wordk, and will be looking forward for your further work at the museum.

•  We have many different jobs in our established teams. Most of the jobs can be handled without special skills and experience from The Navy.

•  As volunteer you'll be a part of a team, and will be guided by a personal mentor will be ready taking care of you and introduce you to the other guides and work.

New volunteers at the Museum Skibene på Holmen

The Museum wants that all volunteers working at the Museum, have the knowledge and kompetance and know the demands of a volunteer. That's why we have these imporant informations to you.

The Museum has a standard procedure for new volunteers. This is to be certain that new volunteers will be welcomed the best way. In this process new volunteers will be met and welcomed by representatives from the Museum and the trhee societies which cooperates. It is:

Dansk Torpedobådsforening,

Dansk Ubådsforening

and PEDER SKRAMs Venner.

New volunteers are invited to an introduction day and a guided tour at the ships. This will happen befoer the Museum opens for the season.

A new volunteer who shall be working as a guide will - as mentioned earlier, have a personal mentor. A new volunteer will be requested to work on all tree ships.

To be a guide

The Museum only exists if we have guests. That's the reason you can expect us to do our very best, to give our guest the best experience.

The floating cold war museum at Holmen

Mastekranen Skibene på Holmen Museum
Nyholm København Museum
Mastekranen Skibene på Holmen Museum
Mastekranen Skibene på Holmen Museum
Gudstjeneste Museum Peder Skram
Hovsa Missil Museum Holmen
